Four little numbers. One awesome way to stay healthy!
Be a healthy role model:
Eat fruits and vegetables.
Limit the use of recreational screens.
Participate in physical activity.
Drink water.
Healthy Choices Count!
Live 5-2-1-0
Parents. Teachers. Health care providers. Business leaders. When it comes to kids, there’s one thing everyone wants – for them to be healthy! That’s why Iowa has created Healthy Choices Count!
5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! is a nationally recognized and evidence-based prevention framework to promote healthy habits. The goal is to increase physical activity and healthy eating through policy and environmental change.
We partner with early care providers and schools, to catalyze change for families in the places where we live, learn, and play.
Become a 5-2-1-0 Registered Site:
Register your school or early care site as a 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! site. Registration is free and easy and gives your site access to exclusive resources and technical assistance.
NOTE: We are re-evaluating 5-2-1-0 in the Workplace and Healthcare and are not registering Workplaces or Healthcare Clinics at this time.
Why become a 5-2-1-0 Registered Site?
Registration is free and easy!
Your site will be eligible to apply for future Healthiest State Annual Awards.
Your site will be recognized at state-level presentations, including the Healthiest State Annual Awards.
Gain access to an exclusive 5-2-1-0 newsletter with implementation strategies, soft skill training, suggested activities, funding opportunities and other resources.
View Registered Sites
Click here to view a listing of the most current 5-2-1-0 Registered Sites
Early Care Registration
If you are currently registered with Go NAPSACC, you will now be recognized as a 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! Early Care Site.
If you are not currently registered with Go NAPSACC, please contact Erin Olson at erin.olson@hhs.iowa.gov to get started.
School Registration
5-2-1-0 Resources
Make the selection below that best defines the place where 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count can help you! Then click for fun activity ideas, tip sheets and more resources, or keep scrolling for more:
Download these additional resources:
Interactive, one-page printable activity guide based on a monthly theme.
Use our logo:
Download our logo and feel free to use it on any educational materials — just follow these brand guidelines.
5-2-1-0 Activity Sheets
Posters and Brochures
Order FREE 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! posters and brochures for your organization here.
If you wish to add your organization's logo to a poster, choose one of the options below and follow these guidelines.
Poster #1: Block-style
Poster #2: Linear-style
Poster #3: Kid playing
Multiple Language Posters
Download and print 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! posters in multiple different languages:
T-Shirt & 5-2-1-0 Gear
Order a 5-2-1-0 T-shirt, face mask, water bottle, stickers and backpack here:
Social Media Graphics
Share these with your social media networks using the hashtag #HealthyChoicesCount.
Thank you to our 5-2-1-0 Sponsors!