October 2nd, 2024

The Annual Walk is an opportunity to join thousands of other Iowans statewide in walking for 30 minutes. Workplaces, schools, organizations and cities are all encouraged to register a walk for free! 

Being physically active is one of the most important steps that people of all ages and abilities can take to improve their health. Walking is an easy, accessible and affordable way to improve your physical, social, and mental health.

Whether you walk for your mental health, to spend time with loved ones, or to stay in shape, there’s something that gets you moving, let us know what it is on social media with #WhyIWalk.

Walk for a healthier Iowa

Download the Annual Walk Toolkit and Resources

Get the Annual Walk Toolkit and other fun resources to make walk day a celebration like social media captions and graphics, customizable poster, kids participation certificates, and so much more!

2024 Healthiest State Annual Walk Challenges

Active Early Care Challenge

How active is your early care program? Show it off in the new Active Early Care Challenge! Grab the Active Early Care Bingo card, have some healthy fun with your kids, and post on Instagram and Facebook when you have a bingo! Two early care programs that achieve a bingo and show it off on social media with be awarded $500 to encourage healthy habits in their kids. All programs that achieve a blackout and share it online will get free 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! swag.

School Mascot Challenge

The School Mascot Challenge is back in 2024! The first 64 schools to register a walk will be entered into a bracket and go head to head every week on social media to see who can get the most votes in one on one match ups. One school will be left standing at the end of the bracket and will win $1,000 to start or fund a healthy incentive project! Does your school have the most pride in Iowa?

In 2023…


counties registered


raised for HSI


Iowans registered

Thousands more participated. Help us make this year even bigger!

The Healthiest State Annual Walk is sponsored by: