5-2-1-0 Early Care
Early Care Providers
Early care sites, including in-home care providers and child care centers, are invited to register as a 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! Registered Site and join an important network of sectors working towards healthier environments where young Iowans live, learn and play.
If you are currently registered with Go NAPSACC, you will now be recognized as a 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! Early Care Site.
If you are not currently registered with Go NAPSACC, please contact Erin Olson at erin.olson@hhs.iowa.gov to get started.
Fact Sheets & Activities
These resources are sorted by the 10 Strategies of Success:
Strategy 1: Limit unhealthy choices for snacks and celebrations, while providing healthy choices
Strategy 2: Limit or eliminate sugary drinks - provide water
Strategy 3: Prohibit the use of food as a reward
Strategy 4: Provide opportunities to get physical activity every day
Strategy 5: Limit recreational screen time
Strategy 6: Participate in local, state and national initiatives that support healthy eating and active living
Strategy 7: Engage community partners to help support healthy eating and active living
Strategy 8: Partner with and educate families in adopting and maintaining a lifestyle that supports healthy eating and active living
Resources coming soon!
Resources coming soon!