Produce Rx
Doctors Prescribe Fruits and Vegetables to Improve Patient Health
The Iowa Produce Prescription Program (IPPP) advances health equity by transforming the healthcare system’s role to increase access to affordable, nutritious food that can improve the overall health of patients and their family members.
Without such access, individuals face greater risk of diet-related disease, increased health care costs, and death. While traditional medical insurance covers the cost of prescription drugs, the IPPP supports a food as medicine approach to covering the cost of healthy foods.
Through collaboration among healthcare institutions, private-sector business, and community organizations, patients and families gain access to the food and nutrition resources they need – just like any other prescription medication or referral. The Healthiest States’ mission to close the nutrition gap with affordable fruits and vegetables is proven to help low- income families lead healthier lives.
Contact us to learn more about this program or click here if you are already enrolled!