5-2-1-0 Parents/Caregivers
Parents and Caregivers
Create a healthy home environment – where kids are active and eat healthy foods – with the help of these 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! resources!
Be a healthy role model:
Eat fruits and vegetables.
Limit the use of recreational devices.
Participate in physical activity.
Drink water.
You can keep track of your healthy habits as a family using a 5-2-1-0 Goal Tracker. Post on the refrigerator or anywhere else that is visible in your home. Looking for more ideas to help you meet your goals? Check out the 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! Activity & Recipe Book.
Home Resources
Keeping your kids entertained without screens can be a big ask. Here are a few resources you can use to keep them active and healthy!
Free Resources for Families
Iowa Family Support Network
5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day
Spend Smart. Eat Smart. Healthy recipes and savvy shopping tips.
Healthy shopping on a budget: Use this document to lower you grocery bill
Eating healthy at convenience stores
Tips to pick a better fast food option
Tips for eating fruits and veggies year round
Tips to eat healthy and stick to a tight grocery budget
Healthy brown bag lunches: different recipe for every day of the week
Getting to know fiber: easy tips for boosting your fiber intake
Iowa Seasonal Food Guide: simple guide to purchase in season fruits and vegetables
Kid-friendly snacks: quick and healthy snacks for energy
How to address eating problems in children with I/DD
Kid-friendly Recipes to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables (English/Spanish)