Ambassador Overview
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Make It OK Ambassador! We are excited that you are ready to help us spread the message of hope and to further educate Iowans on mental health and the stigma that surrounds it.
So what does an ambassador do?
As many of us know, grassroots is the best way to spread a message. By having individuals, like yourself, spread across the state, we can ensure that the Make It OK message is being seen and heard by those in your communities. By being an advocate for this campaign, we can get closer to reducing the stigma that surrounds mental illnesses. By becoming an ambassador, you agree to be an extension of the Healthiest State Initiative. Based off your interest selections of what you are comfortable doing, we may lean on you in your community to help us fill requests for a speaker, volunteer at events or simply help us distribute materials on top of any of your own opportunities to share Make It OK.
Are there requirements?
Yes, we ask that regardless of your interest selections, all Ambassadors will need to complete the 2-hr Ambassador training. Prior to your training, Ambassadors will also be asked to have attended a Make It OK presentation within 3-months of attending the training. By doing this, you will have heard the presentation and be better equipped and prepared to become an Ambassador. The Ambassador training will involve an in-depth walk-thru of the formal presentation, further break-down of topics and overall education on mental health and mental illnesses. We will also review resources that will be available to you as an ambassador.
As an ambassador, you will be asked to retake the training every 2 years.
Ambassadors will also be required to sign the Ambassador Agreement as part of their training completion.
Can I receive a certificate?
Yes! By request, after you complete the training, we can email you a certificate.
Ambassadors will be certified for 2 years.
Will I receive anything as an Ambassador?
Yes, Ambassadors who have completed the training and signed the agreement will receive a Make It OK Ambassador toolkit and access to our online Ambassador portal.
Ambassadors will also be invited to quarterly round-tables hosted virtually by Iowa Healthiest State Initiative to network with other Ambassadors, ask questions and share ideas.
What if I’m already an Ambassador?
Great! We welcome you to be part of our updated Ambassador program. Because of the recent changes, we do require you to re-take the Ambassador Training. If you are interested in being part of the updated program, please fill out the interest form here to receive more information on training dates.