Back the Black

Sign up to be a community representative

Want to help us spread the message?

If you’re ready to not only join the movement in making it OK to discuss mental health in our community, but you’re also willing to help educate and provide resources to others in our community, let us know. We will provide you with materials that you can share, present and pass along to amplify the message of our movement. Fill out this form to get started!

A representative does not need to be an expert on mental health but someone who enjoys connecting, engaging, educating and promoting mental health awareness. 

There are two ways to get involved with this campaign. Both help spread awareness but are tied to different levels of commitment and training.

Volunteer Advocate

Spread Make It OK Back the Black campaign messaging in your networks and community by sharing Back the Black messaging to your network and communities and sharing community events with Iowa Healthiest State Initiative as they relate to Back the Black and mental health.

Requirement: Attend a Back the Black Presentation

Volunteer Leader

Take your involvement one step further to engage in your communities through volunteer opportunities, giving presentations, owning your own campaign or finding other ways to bring Back the Black messaging into your communities.

Requirements: Attend a Back the Black Presentation AND a Back the Black Representative Training

The goal of this campaign is to help Iowans from this specific community learn about mental health in a space that is culturally-responsive so that the folks within that community feel comfortable participating. We kindly ask that those interested in becoming a Representative for Back the Black be an individual who is part of the Black community. Learn more here