Let’s visit the Ewing Park lilacs! Meet by 10:00 a.m. in our usual Ashley Okland Star Playground parking lot on south side of McKinley, just west of Indianola Avenue.
We’ll start on dirt trail and take the bridge over to the other side of the soapbox derby track. There we’ll get a little taste of of the trails along the creek. Then we will hop over to the Harry Piper Parkway and view the lilacs. We will climb to the top of the hill in the paved trails and walk back down through the grass before we cross back over the creek. This will total about 2 miles.
If the dirt trails are muddy, we will use the bridge right by our parking lot to cross the creek. Then we will use the paved paths and possibly grass to explore the lilacs. Either way, we will walk slowly, think “stroll,” and no one will be left behind.
Hiking poles will be very useful for parts of the route, but not a necessity.
–– I lead group walks on different trails a few times a month. This free Soft Trail Stroll series is designed to help people looking for a simple way to become more active, and to increase appreciation of our local soft trails.
What is a soft trail? Simply, it is an unpaved trail. Its surface may be dirt, grass, or crushed rock/gravel. I am an avid mountain biker and know all these trails very well. I can guarantee that no one will get lost!
View the weather cancellation policy at www.roccasecca.fitness.stroll.