Request Endorsement
The Healthiest State Initiative endorses events
in Iowa whose primary purpose contributes to the goals of the Healthiest State Initiative and improves well-being in the state of Iowa.
Endorsed events can also highlight their connection to the Healthiest State Initiative through a special logo. All we ask is that you return the favor by promoting Healthiest State Initiative activities, such as the Healthiest State Annual Walk and Healthiest State Month, to your event participants.
Endorsed events will be added to the Healthiest State Initiative calendar. They may also be featured on the Healthiest State Initiative social media pages and in our monthly newsletter communications.
Event Examples
Events are encouraged to be family-friendly. Examples of approved events include but are not limited to:
Bike events
Running events
Swimming events
Yoga events
Mental health events
Charity fitness events
Farmers markets
Health fairs
School events
Cultural events
Educational events
Wellness conferences
Event Endorsement Application
By applying for Healthiest State Initiative endorsement, I agree to use Healthiest State Initiative marketing materials, including endorsement logo as prescribed in the brand guidelines and to promote activities and programs of the Initiative, such as the annual Healthiest State Walk, to event participants.
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