MHAM Week 1: Tie-Dye Week

Welcome to May! We are excited to kick of Mental Health Awareness Month with a twist this year. We would like to encourage Iowans to tie-dye Make It OK shirts (or any white shirt) with green to raise awareness all year long. Tie-Dying can be a fun event for the family, for students and for organizations big or small. Wear Green day is only a few weeks away and these tie-dye creations would be the perfect shirt to wear to celebrate.

Be sure to take photos and share with the Iowa Healthiest State Initiative by following and tagging us on social media using #makeitokiowa. We can’t wait to see your creations!

Feel free to tie-dye as you’d like. We recommend green so you can wear your creation on Wear Green Day in support of Mental Health Awareness Month but you are welcome to use any colors.

Here are some recommended kits and instructions to get you started. Have fun!

 Need help getting started? Check out the instructions below for how to tie-dye!

Learn More About Make It OK and Mental Health Awareness Month

Interested in helping fight mental health stigma in your school, workplace, community, and beyond? Learn more about our Mental Health Awareness Month celebrations and resources, and get involved with Make It OK!


MHAM Week 2: Stop and Smell the Flowers Week


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