Registration for the 14th Annual Healthiest State Walk is NOW OPEN!

Join thousands of Iowans across the state in walking for 30 minutes on October 2nd at your workplace, school, or in your community

DES MOINES, IA (Aug. 1, 2024) — Registration for the Healthiest State 14th Annual Walk, presented by Delta Dental of Iowa, is now open. On Wednesday, October 2nd, thousands of Iowans across the state will participate in organized walks at schools, workplaces, and within their communities. 

Registration is free and easy: Click here to sign up as a household, organization, school, community, or individual to walk for 30 minutes anytime on October 2nd.

“Walking is an accessible way to take time for ourselves to focus on our minds and bodies, and stay physically active,” said Jami Haberl, Executive director of the Iowa Healthiest State Initiative. “Walking benefits our social, mental, and physical health. Whether you walk alone, with coworkers after lunch, or with your best friend after a busy day, it’s an easy way to ensure you’re taking steps toward a healthy lifestyle.”

The Healthiest State Annual Walk’s theme, “#WhyIWalk,” highlights the versatility, impact, and importance of simple self-care activities like walking. Whether you choose to walk alone and take in the sounds of your environment to clear your mind, walk with someone to connect, or just for daily exercise, maintaining physical activity is the first step to a healthy lifestyle.

“Walking is more than just exercise; it provides a pause from daily responsibilities and a chance to reconnect with ourselves and others,” said Board President Jeff Pomeranz. “It builds the foundation for personal well-being, improving not only our physical health but also our mental health. We invite you to join us in this statewide initiative and be part of creating a healthier, more vibrant Iowa.”

Research shows that those who engage in daily physical activity lower their risk of cardiovascular disease up to 50%, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression up to 56%, and boost overall social-emotional well-being. Additionally, walking as a community increases safety, reduces pollution, and bolsters local businesses.

“Delta Dental is not only proud but honored to be the presenting sponsor and a longtime supporter of the Healthiest State and their Annual Walk,” said April Schmaltz, President and CEO of Delta Dental Iowa. As a health and wellness company, we understand the importance of not only maintaining but striving to improve a healthy body and mind. The annual walk is a great way to start and continue the journey toward a healthy lifestyle!”

Those who register for the Healthiest State 14th Annual Walk will have access to resources such as communication templates, social media guides, customizable posters, and more to make walk day a celebration at their school, workplace, or community. In addition to educational resources, the Healthiest State Initiative is also hosting two contests: 

Early Care Active Challenge: 

  • For the first year, early care sites that participate in the social media Active Early Care Challenge Bingo and are registered as a 5-2-1-0 site will be entered into a drawing. Two sites will be selected, and each will receive $500. To register as a 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! location, click here. Early care sites will have until September 25th to complete a bingo and be entered into the drawing. 

School Mascot Challenge: 

  • The first 64 schools that register for a walk will automatically be entered into the School Mascot Challenge. Each week, fans will vote in a bracket-style social media competition for their favorite mascot. The winning school will be announced following October 2nd and will be awarded $1,000 to fund a health and wellness project.

    Healthiest State Month in October

The Healthiest State Annual Walk also acts as the kick-off event for Healthiest State Month, celebrating 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! across Iowa. Iowans are challenged to maintain a healthy lifestyle through October, guided by 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! Schools, workplaces, healthcare clinics, communities, and households can download toolkits and register to be an ambassador to help celebrate Healthiest State Month by clicking here.


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