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Tips For Planning a Successful Walk

It’s almost that time! The Healthiest State 14th Annual Walk will take place on Wednesday, October 2nd. It can be stressful to plan for a large group, that’s why HSI has put together 8 tips for planning successful walk!

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Chase Langos Chase Langos

Take on the 2024 Active Early Challenge!

This year, Healthiest State Initiative is introducing a new social media challenge—the Active Early Care Challenge! Early care centers who complete the challenge will have the chance to win money, gain accesses to additional free resources, and free 5-2-1-0 swag!

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Paige Green, RD, LD - Hy-Vee Registered Dietitian Paige Green, RD, LD - Hy-Vee Registered Dietitian

Nutrition & Alzheimer's: What Registered Dietitians Want You to Know! 

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. This is a time to take action, both individually and within your community, to promote brain health and raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease, including its prevention and treatment. Your Hy-Vee registered dietitian, in collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Association, is here to provide essential information on nutritional strategies for brain health. Learn what you can do to support cognitive function and contribute to ongoing research efforts.

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