Tips For Planning a Successful Walk

It’s almost that time! The Healthiest State 14th Annual Walk will take place on Wednesday, October 2nd. If you have yet to register click here.

It can be stressful to plan a walk for a large group, but we have 8 tips to help ease the stress.

1: Start Small

You can always build on your successes with more components next year. If partners are ready to help, aim high and plan for promotional materials and planned activities.

2: Plan Early (if you can)

When time is on your side, start planning as early as you can. The more time you have to work out the logistics, the more confident you’ll feel!

Tip 3: Get leadership on board

Get the program leadership approval before moving forward on tasks. Approach the leader with an outline of your ideas for the event as early as possible. While at minimum leadership approval is needed, they can also be what makes the event really shine and gain traction.

Tip 4: Recruit help

There’s no need to organize the walk alone. Don’t try to plan and carry out the event all by yourself. Recruit other adults and students to help.

Tip 5: Include all students/employees

Include everyone at your location. Learn about how to provide access for all.

Tip 6: Provide incentives when applicable

Give out incentive items or tokens if possible, Print stickers, certificates, or order prizes such as pencils, badges or giftcards.

Tip 7: Communicate with parents, staff and employees

Distribute flyers at least two weeks before the event, and send out reminders the week and day before the event. Include your contact information in case people have questions or concerns. Open and frequent communication will enable a smooth, safe, and enjoyable event.

Tip 8: Spread the word

Get the word out beyond the building. Promote the walk to the community with flyers, in newsletters, emails, and on social media!

Make sure you tag us on social media with pictures/videos on walk day using the hashtags, #WhyIWalk and #HSIWalk, join us in taking the steps for a healthier, more vibrant Iowa!

If you need materials to help spread the word, download the Annual Walk Toolkit and check out our other fun resources!


Registration for the 14th Annual Healthiest State Walk is NOW OPEN!


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